Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Canoe Polo

Hey guys,

So I shot the 2008 World Canoe Polo Championships this weekend in Edmonton and I am now a published photographer :) I learned alot while i was shooting up there, for instance lighting and sources of lighting to get a better shot. I'm still working on my photo contest photos and i hopefully will be done soon and be able to post them. So here are my polo photos. Enjoy


Friday, July 25, 2008


Hey guys,

I almost forgot, I did cover photography for the magazine called SUBROSA, which is a Camrose based magazine. Im also doing photography for the fringe festival in august, & i have just bought a fish eye lens, I am really excited to try it out. This slide show has a bit more artistic photos, the photo that is the leg-less converse and the spray painted cloud are the photos i used for the cover of the magazine, the editor will choose which one makes the front cover. Hope you enjoy, oh and i will have my canoe polo photos as well as my photo contest photos up soon, Bob Brown the photographer at the championship told me he would give my photos to the international federation of canoe polo and i will be accredited for them on an international level, yay.


Final Battle of the Bands


I have gotten around to making another slide show of the final battle of the bands show. I have done ALOT of photography lately, as of right now i am currently doing photography for the 2008 world canoe polo championships in Edmonton, and am working on a photo contest for the city of Camrose. So with out further a due here are the final battle of the bands photos
